The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 29th April 2021 Is ”FAITH WITHOUT WORKS”
BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Sam. 5:1-10, 1 Chro. 11, 1 Chro. 12
FIRE SCRIPTURE: James 2:17-26
MEMORY VERSE: James 2:17
“Even so faith, if is hath no works is dead being alone”
MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: He does not believe who does not live according to his belief.
PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: As you believe in God today, nothing shall be impossible for you, in the name of Jesus.
Faith without works is dead and works without faith is also dead. Neither of the two is complete in itself in the service to God. It is like fire burning without fuel and fuel without fire. It is clear from Genesis 22 that Abraham proved his faith to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice. It was faith that led him to this act of obedience (Gen. 22:23).
Had he refused to obey, it would have demonstrated that he had no faith in God or His word. It is also clear that this act of faith and works were not his initial justification by faith. Thus every act of obedience is an act of faith and works combined to maintain justification before God. It is by work that Christians should demonstrate their faith.
Rahab was also justified by her works and her faith when she hid the spies and sent them away in peace (Joshua 2) Faith is the substance of things not seen, the evidence of things hoped for. It is creative power of divine works. Faith is divine testimony of right doing. It is the basis for pleasing God.
It is also dependent upon God’s word as well as to trust in an unknown future. When we take steps depending on the words of God, we are acting in faith on God. An act of faith commits to the integrity of God and He will never fail us. Our faith enables us to get what we believe from God.
What is the evidence of your faith? You believe God. How do you show the world that you really believe in the God you profess to know? Your faith must be shown by your actions. When you pray, you should believe that your prayers have been answered.
God will never fail anyone that sincerely believes in Him or His word. Take steps of faith today and you will be blessed by your action. God is faithful.
Put it in your mind as you respond to life’s challenges and you will prove to the world that you have a God that answers by fire.
Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)
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