The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 28th January 2021 Is ”Evils of Polygamy”
FIRE SCRIPTURE: Gen. 2:18 -25
“Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh.”
MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: Polygamy causes a lot of strife and unhealthy rivalry, so run away from it.
PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: By the blood Jesus Christ, you are released from the cage of polygamous enemies, in the name of Jesus.
Polygamy is a kind of marriage in which a man marries more than one wife. It creates bitter rivalry between family members and can lead to witchcraft in the name of seeking for protection for children among the wives Marriage is the first institution established by God Himself. God gave it as a gift to Adam and Eve. It is the union of one man and one woman (Gen. 2:24).
The idea of a woman getting married to more than one man (polyandry) and two male persons or two female persons getting married are all strange and unbiblical. God never supported polygamy. Its consequences are terrible and numerous. Some Bible examples will make this clearer.
First, Abraham married Hagar, Sarah’s maid, out of pressure. Because Sarah was unable to bear him children, she gave Hagar her maid to Abraham. This union led to bitterness between Sarah and Hagar. Not only this, the descendant of Ishmael (the product of the union which was not from God) became a thorn in the flesh of the body of Christ till today.
Second, although Jacob served Laban for Rachael, he was deceived. Leah was given to him instead of Rachael, but because of the love he had for Rachael, he served another seven years to have her also. This act of Jacob created disaffection so much between the two sisters.
Jealousy and envy also spread from the mothers to their children. The rivalry and envy among the children made them to sell Joseph into slavery.
Similarly, David married more than one wife. Polygamy had adverse consequences in the life of David also: Ammon raped his half-sister, Tamar, and Absalom murdered Ammon because of his rape offence (2 Sam 13:1-14). There was also rivalry and contest for the throne between Solomon and Adonijah (1 King 1:1-5).
Solomon, David’s son,inherited the evil of polygamy from his father. He married many wives and concubines. The strange and unbelieving women led him away from God into idolatry. An adage in Yoruba language (a tribe in Nigeria) says, “Ile olorogun, ile ogun” i.e. the home with many wives is a war front”. In other words, the more the wives a man marries, the more the problems he will have to contend with.
Polygamy is a terrible thing, beloved. There is this saying: “One woman, one problem, two women, two problems and many women, many problems.” Polygamy leads to witchcraft in the name of protecting and trying to make one’s child or children to be above that of the co-wife or wives.
Beloved, to have a peaceful and loving home, you must follow the manual and instruction of the manufacturer of marriage: one man, one wife.
1) The battle of polygamous witchcraft against my life shall not proper, in the name of Jesus Christ.
2) Holy Spirit, purge my heart from the spirit of polygamy, in the name of Jesus.
3) The evil flow of the river of polygamy from my ancestry, dry up now, in the name of Jesus.
4) I cut off my life from bondage to polygamy, in the name of Jesus Christ.
5) Lord, forgive me of the sin of ancestral polygamy, in the name of Jesus Christ.
6) You bondage to polygamy in my life, break now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
7) Battle of polygamy attacking my destiny, die now, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)
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