The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 8Th January 2021 Is ”Your Word Attitude (i)”
Fire Scripture: Acts 17:10-12
Your attitude towards the word of God determines the place that God occupies in your daily life. Many people still relate with God’s word like the message from an ordinary book. They are yet to grasp its full import, inestimable power and value. As a result, they deprive themselves of its immense benefits. Are you in this category?
Your story will change today as you adjust your attitude towards God’s word correctly and begin to relate with it the right way. The word of God has creative and transforming power. It is capable of making you to become like Christ. You become Christlike in the measure that the word prevails in you. That is why it is important that God’s word dwells in you richly.
The word of God is His only means of reaching you. It is Christ revealed. It is the will and mind of the Father. It is the Bread of Heaven and food for the hungry in spirit. It has the authority of God and His righteousness. It also has His recreating power. It gives birth to faith in the believer. It is impregnated with the very life of God; it is eternal.
Have you ever read the whole Bible in a year or less? There are various Bible reading plans today. Beloved, let the word of God dwell in you richly. Also, study to show yourself approved as a workman who needs not be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15). Many Christians are engulfed by the rat race of modern day living. They are too busy to read the Bible and pray. That is why the enemy keeps tormenting and short-changing them.
Similarly, many believers have abandoned daily Quiet Time. Their prayer life is inactive and the fire on their altar is no longer burning. Many professed Christians do not have Bible and many don’t read their Bibles. The neglect of God’s word is the root cause of the dryness and unfruitfulness of such believers. God is calling on such people to repent today. Tomorrow may be too late!
Memory Verse: 2 Timothy 2:15 – “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”
Motivational Quote: If you are ignorant of God’s word, you will always be ignorant of God’s will.
Prophetic Word: Today, I connect you to the wonder-working power of God’s word, in the name of Jesus
1. Lord, Thy word abideth,
And our footsteps guideth,
Who its truth believeth,
Light and joy receiveth.
2. When our foes are near us,
Then Thy word doth cheer us,
Word of consolation,
Message of salvation.
3. When the storms are o’er us,
And dark clouds before us,
Then its light directeth,
And our way protecteth.
4. Who can tell the pleasure,
Who recount the treasure,
By Thy word imparted To the simple hearted?
5. Word of mercy,
giving Succour to the living;
Word of life,
supplying Comfort to the dying!
6. O that we, discerning
Its most holy learning,
Lord, may love and fear Thee,
Evermore be near Thee!
1. Father, help me to value Your word more than my necessary food, in the name of Jesus.
2. Father, help me to understand the inestimable benefits of Your word, in the name of Jesus.
3. Father, give me the grace to study Your word daily and be immensely blessed by it, in the name of Jesus.
4. Creative power of God’s word, locate my life and perfect it, in the name of Jesus.
5. I reject satanic schedule and busyness that want to keep me away from studying and profiting from God’s word, in the name of Jesus.
6. I receive the grace to mix God’s word with faith and profit thereby, in the name of Jesus.
7. I receive the grace and attitude of the Berean Christians towards God’s word, in the name of Jesus.
MOUNTAIN TOP LIFE is a daily devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (General Overseer,
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