MFM Daily Devotional 9th September 2020 [Wednesday] – Power To Bind And Loose (Repeated)
Topic: Power To Bind And Loose (Repeated)
Mountain Of Fire and Miracle Ministries, MFM Daily Devotional 8th September 2020
MFM FIRE SCRIPTURE: Matthew 18:18; 16:19; John 20:23
MFM MEMORY VERSE: 2 Corinthians 2:11 (NIV)
“in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.”
PRAISE AND WORSHIP: Take a worship song as led by the Holy Spirit.
PROPHETIC WORD: For every power that is pressing you down, your head shall be shifted away and you shall trample upon them.
Today, we shall examine how to obtain power to bind and loose. You can bind satanic agents. You can bind Goliath. If you stand and fight your Goliath, the trouble in your home and business will disappear completely. While I was in the primary school, I attracted many enemies amongst my classmates for no fault of mine.
In those days, the teachers usually do not whip those who performed poorly in class tests and examinations by themselves. Rather, they assigned that duty to those who performed excellently well in the class.
Since I was doing well in my academics, I was always asked to whip the poor performers. After I had whipped them, they would then gather together and wait for me at the gate after school hours to beat me up thoroughly.
This terrible situation continued for a long time. Then one day, I purposed in my mind to do something that would put an end to the unpleasant situation. I bought the peppery balm called Chinese balm.
Shortly before the school ended on a particular day, I rubbed my palm with the Chinese balm. As usual, my classmates that I had whipped for poor performance that day were waiting for me at the school gate.
But as the first person attacked me, I just rubbed my palm very aggressively on his eyes, and the unexpected happened. He screamed uncontrollably. I did the same thing to the second person; and that one started screaming too. Since they could not open their eyes, I was able to beat them up very well. That was how I dealt with the giants.
If I may ask you, where did the stone of David get into the body of Goliath? It was the forehead. As a result of that, Goliath could no longer see. It was therefore easy for David to finish him up in record time. The power of binding and loosing is needed today. What you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.
MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: You cannot have real success without making real enemies.
1. My Father, enlighten me in the radiance of Your Person, in the name of Jesus.
2. Let the Spirit of divine wisdom settle upon me mightily, in the name of Jesus.
3. Mind with the spirit of wisdom, in the name of Jesus.
1. I counter every wisdom of darkness by the wisdom of heaven, in the name of Jesus.
2. Great wisdom of the Almighty, arise envelope my life, in the name of Jesus.
3. My Father, give me a deep understanding of what is logical and true, in the name of Jesus.
4. My Father, give me a deep understanding of what is right and lasting, in the name of Jesus.
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