Tuesday, June 22, 2021



The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 23rd June 2021 Is ”DIVINE RESTORATION”  

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kings 17, 1Kings 18, 1Kings 19

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Joel 2:25-28.

MEMORY VERSE: Psalm 126:1 

 “When the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, we were like them that dream.”

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: Where there is a will, there is a way

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: Receive double for all your losses, in the name of Jesus.


No matter the failures, errors and hurts you have suffered in life, restoration is possible. The devil might take away your joy, happiness, health and other things of life and subject you to a life of misery and pain but the word of the Lord says that God will restore to you all the wasted years, in Jesus’ name.

All it takes is you having faith and trusting in Him and His words (Jeremiah 30:17). Your restoration requires your participation. God’s promises are conditional. You have your part to play and God has His own part. Our actions determine God’s reaction towards us.

There are certain things you need to know about your life and you need God to reveal them to you. When you know God’s plan for your life, you will enjoy divine restoration. When a troubled heart finds hope and faith in God’s word, it enters into rest. That is the place of persuasion (Romans 4:21).

In the day of your trouble and pressure, learn to call upon God through prayers. Fervent and consistent prayers to Him will restore all that you ever lost (Psalm 50:15). Restoration comes from God alone and not man. He can only pass through man to restore all your losses. So, do not hope in man; rather, hope in God.

Restoration is a process of returning something to its original condition by repairing it, cleaning it, etc. It is an act of bringing back something that existed before or that was stolen or taken away. As a Christian, the best way to full restoration is by being a good disciple of Jesus We have three parts to divine restoration.

The first part is conversion, which is a new beginning in Christ. God completely forgives the repentant sinner and declares him righteous in Christ (justification). The Holy Spirit then moves in to initiate significant changes in his or her life. I remember that my swearing and angry outbursts disappeared immediately I gave my life to Jesus.

You must read the word of God and fellowship with brethren regularly to make restoration easier and faster. Your restoration is accelerated when you are discipled by Jesus.

Beloved, I encourage you to seek sanctification and becoming like Jesus.



1. I bind the spirit of depression and frustration in my life, in the name of Jesus.

2. Lord Jesus, carry out all the repairs necessary in my life now, in the name of Jesus.

3. I recover all the ground that I have lost to the enemy, in the name of Jesus.


4. O Lord, open the doors of opportunity to my life, in the name of Jesus.

5. O Lord, give me solution to all the problems facing me, in the name of Jesus.

6. I declare divine restoration to all I have lost to the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

7. O Lord, make my case a miracle by Your power, in the name of Jesus.


Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide) 

Monday, June 21, 2021



The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 22nd June 2021 Is ”STAIRWAYS TO HEAVEN”  

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1Kings 15:25-34, 1Kings 16:1-34, 2Chro 17

FIRE SCRIPTURE: John 3:16-18.

MEMORY VERSE: Acts 4:12 

 “Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved”

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: Jesus is the only sure way to heaven.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: The grace of God shall see you through to eternity, in the name of Jesus.


Heaven is God’s abode where Jesus has gone to prepare a place for all His followers. To get to heaven, certain stairways are required. I call them spiritual principles to eternal rest.

The first is to establish a cordial relationship with God who wants all men to come to heaven. This is established when you surrender your life to Jesus (John 3:16, John10:10).

You must repent of your sins and forsake them completely, while fully trusting in the atoning work of the Lord Jesus as the only way to God. You must know that holiness is the nature of God, and that without holiness, no man shall see the Lord.

You must realise that it is by grace that you are saved. You must also know that to walk on the stairway to heaven, you need the help of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter and only help in the journey to heaven. You cannot climb on your good deeds or character to get to heaven.

Jesus died so that those who believe in Him would no longer be condemned to an eternity apart from God. You must make the word of God, the Bible, your companion and embrace a life of total separation from the system of the world (I John 2:15-17).

Apostle Peter mentioned these stairways to heaven in his general epistle in 2 Peter 1:5-11: add faith to virtue, add virtue to knowledge, add temperance to patience, add patience to godliness, add godliness to brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness, charity.

These Christian virtues which are wisdom, knowledge, justice, truth, love, patience, holiness, goodness, grace, joy, peace and faith should be shown to all men. These virtues are to be demonstrated by Christians to men, believers and unbelievers alike.

If all these are evident in your life, eternal life in heaven is assured.



1. O Lord, give me divine speed in my spiritual journey, in the name of Jesus.

2. I r e j e c t e v e r y s p i r i t u a l contamination, in the name of Jesus.

3. Let all spiritual holes in my life be closed by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.


4. Any power that wants me to end my journey in hell, you are a liar, die, in the name of Jesus.

5. O L o r d , g i v e m e d i v i n e prescription to all my problems, in the name of Jesus.

6. I disarm all household enemies on my way to glory, in the name of Jesus.

7. I shall make heaven by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.


Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

Friday, April 30, 2021



The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 1st May 2021 Is ”SERVANT LEADERS”  

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ps 106, Ps 107

FIRE SCRIPTURE: 1 Pet. 5:2-5

MEMORY VERSE: Mark 10:43 

But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you, shall be your minister.

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE:  The servant leader is a selfless personality with a large heart to accommodate others and make them better persons.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: The Lord God Almighty shall baptise you with the spirit of true and genuine servant-leader, in the name of Jesus.


Jesus’ discussion about service with His followers, as recorded in Mark 10:35- 45, was not the first that He had with His disciples. But even now as He prepared for His death, He found it necessary to go over it one more time because His disciples were arguing over who had the most significant ministry.

A good leader knows the way, shows the way, and goes the way (1 Pet. 5: 2 – 3; Philemon 8 – 14). In each instance, Jesus, Peter and Paul were addressing the people in leadership. They were giving a different way to lead, one that gives followers room to grow, make decisions and respond to the will of God and leadership out of a willing heart.

These men understood that as the adage goes, “A man convinced against his will remains a man unconvinced” (1Kings 19:9 – 20). Elijah, armed with the word of the Lord, did not use that word to hit Elisha over the head. He just touched him with it, leaving room for Elisha to determine on his own what had happened and what his response was to be.

Here are some good qualities and godly characteristics that are worthy of emulation to upcoming Christian leaders. These include having a vision to serve selflessly, serving for the benefit of others and having a healthy interpersonal relationship with followers (James 15:14 – 15).

Leading is a way of reproducing oneself as Jesus did (John 14:2). Above all, leave a godly legacy that these followers are able to pass on to others. To ignore warnings is to ignore one’s safety. Are you a leader in whatever capacity God has placed you? Do you desire to become one?

Servant-leadership quality is what you should covet and imbibe. It is the hallmark of Jesus’ kind of leadership. It is that kind of leadership that endures through generations.

However, don’t forget that it will start and end with deep manifestation of the very worthy attributes of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Master.



1. I receive the spirit of selfless service to mankind, in the name of Jesus Christ.

2. The habitation of pride in my life, die now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

3. Holy Spirit, clothe me with the garment of humility, in the name of Jesus Christ


4. Lord, help me and deliver me from the spirit of hypocrisy, in the name of Jesus Christ.

5. My position in the vineyard of God shall not lead me to hell, in the name of Jesus Christ.

6. Oil of success in whatever God has committed into my hand, fall on me now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

7. The grace and authority of ease to follow after Jesus Christ, fall on me now, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide) 

Thursday, April 29, 2021



The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 30th April 2021 Is ”THE IMPORTANCE OF PARENTAL GUIDANCE ”  


FIRE SCRIPTURE: Prov. 4:1-12

MEMORY VERSE: Matt 15:14

 “Let them alone, they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: Always show your children the kind of person you want them to be.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: I decree and declare, you shall not labour over your children in vain, in the name of Jesus.


Parental guidance is guiding your child by explaining the reasons (pros and cons) of his or her actions and decisions. If the child resists the parent, then the parent would act to correct, punish or prevent the child’s undesirable behaviour.

Parental guidance can also be described as the act of influencing and teaching your children to gain skills that are needed in order to make them make good choices and thrive in this world. In the sight of God, parents are responsible for the training of their children.

If you fail as a parent, God is going to hold you responsible for it. You must spend quality time with your children. This is very important because they long and hunger for your time. Many children spend a lot of time with the grandparents and housemaids.

They learn a lot of things from whoever they spend time with. You must make sure you give to your children ideas for living. This is also very important in their day to day running and for their future. Some of these are teachings about moral and spiritual principles of life. You must show them that only those that are sound morally and spiritually attain genuine satisfaction in life.

The story of the prodigal son shows us that he was not trained morally and spiritually. As a result, he wasted his father’s wealth and didn’t have ideas on how and what he could do about his life.

Set good examples for your children, plan things together as a family, ask them to bring ideas and work it out together. Make the home so interesting and delightful that your children will want to stay at home. This will hinder them from having secret friends that will mislead them outside the home.

Discipline them. The Bible requires the parents to discipline their children when they go wrong (Prov. 13:24, Prov. 23:13). Teach them to know God and bring them up in the church. Most importantly, always read the Bible together regularly at home.

Make sure the family prayers take place daily. Guide them on how to go about it. When they grow up and become teenagers, they will not run away from the things of God.

When you give your children and wards spiritual guidance, you will have peace and the home will be free of strife and trouble. You would also have passed the test of parenting and stewardship. Heaven will then give you great rewards.



1. Thank you, Lord, for making me a parent, in the name of Jesus

2. I thank You, Lord, that I am a mother/father of glorios children, in the name of Jesus

3. Help me, O Lord, to guide my children aright, in the name of Jesus.


4. O Lord, I withdraw the names of my children from the altar of witchcraft, in the name of Jesus.

5. O Lord, deliver my children from the paws of satanic lions, in the name of Jesus.

6. My children, you will not answer the call of destiny manipulators, insanity and death, in the name of Jesus.

7. My children are for signs and wonders in their generation, in the name of Jesus.

Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide) 

Wednesday, April 28, 2021



The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 29th April 2021 Is ”FAITH WITHOUT WORKS”  

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 2 Sam. 5:1-10, 1 Chro. 11, 1 Chro. 12

FIRE SCRIPTURE: James 2:17-26

MEMORY VERSE: James 2:17 

“Even so faith, if is hath no works is dead being alone”

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: He does not believe who does not live according to his belief.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: As you believe in God today, nothing shall be impossible for you, in the name of Jesus.


Faith without works is dead and works without faith is also dead. Neither of the two is complete in itself in the service to God. It is like fire burning without fuel and fuel without fire. It is clear from Genesis 22 that Abraham proved his faith to offer up Isaac as a sacrifice. It was faith that led him to this act of obedience (Gen. 22:23).

Had he refused to obey, it would have demonstrated that he had no faith in God or His word. It is also clear that this act of faith and works were not his initial justification by faith. Thus every act of obedience is an act of faith and works combined to maintain justification before God. It is by work that Christians should demonstrate their faith.

Rahab was also justified by her works and her faith when she hid the spies and sent them away in peace (Joshua 2) Faith is the substance of things not seen, the evidence of things hoped for. It is creative power of divine works. Faith is divine testimony of right doing. It is the basis for pleasing God.

It is also dependent upon God’s word as well as to trust in an unknown future. When we take steps depending on the words of God, we are acting in faith on God. An act of faith commits to the integrity of God and He will never fail us. Our faith enables us to get what we believe from God.

What is the evidence of your faith? You believe God. How do you show the world that you really believe in the God you profess to know? Your faith must be shown by your actions. When you pray, you should believe that your prayers have been answered.

God will never fail anyone that sincerely believes in Him or His word. Take steps of faith today and you will be blessed by your action. God is faithful.

Put it in your mind as you respond to life’s challenges and you will prove to the world that you have a God that answers by fire.



Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

Tuesday, April 27, 2021



The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 28th April 2021 Is ”HELP IN DISCOURAGING CIRCUMSTANCES”  

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Ps. 102, Ps. 103, Ps. 104

FIRE SCRIPTURE: Luke 5:16-26

MEMORY VERSE: Luke 8: 48

“And he said unto her, Daughter be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole, go in peace.”

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: If it is like you are losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: What is happening around you and inside you will be converted to testimonies, in the name of Jesus


Our Fire Scripture for today centres on a story about a paralyzed man and his friends who brought him to Jesus. A crowd had gathered around Jesus and it was difficult to walk through the vast number of people who were all pushing forward to see Him.

It was so difficult and discouraging for his friends to move through a crowded street, let alone carry a bed along with them. When these friends found it difficult to get through, they tried something unusual. They couldn’t enter the house where Jesus was, hence they removed the roof.

One interesting thing about this story is the extra mile the men went for their friend. I pray that your divine helpers will go the extra mile to help and bless you. No matter the hurdle in the way, they will scale it and deliver the blessings of heaven to you, in the name of Jesus. These men found their way to get to the top of the house.

They removed the tiles and timbers that supported the roof. Then, they safely lowered their sick friend to the ground. The paralyzed man relied on the assistance of others to get to his destination. This man might have been worried or even afraid. Have you ever been worried or concerned about something that is happening to you or how you can get to your destination?

Have you ever been anxious about your future? Our Lord Jesus Christ sensed the worry of this man who wanted to be healed. Jesus gave him a bit of encouragement. He said, “Take heart my son” (Matt. 9:2).

No matter your circumstances, there is always a way out. Despite the trouble the friends went through, they found a way for the paralysed man to be healed. Even if your situation is hopeless today, God shall raise a helper and make a way for you.

Jesus used the situation to demonstrate His power to the crowd. Your stubborn situation shall become testimonies, in the name of Jesus. Your sins shall be forgiven. Jesus forgave the man. In the Old Testament Moses spoke directly to God and Aaron was the first high Priest.

Both of them couldn’t forgive sin nor work miracles. Jesus told the man with authority, “Pick up thy bed and go home.” The man sang a new song. I decree you shall sing a new song this season. Don’t be discouraged; God is by your side.



1. I dismiss and disband from my heart every thought, image or picture of failure on my matter, in the name of Jesus.

2. I reject every spirit of doubt, fear and discouragement, in the name of Jesus.

3. My Father, intervene and turn discouraging circumstances to testimonies for me, in the name of Jesus.


4. Let the angels of the living God roll away every stone of hindrance to the manifestation of my breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.

5. O Lord, hasten Your word to perform Your miracles in every department of my life, in the name of Jesus

6. The Lord who answers by fire and the God of Elijah, answer me by fire, in the name of Jesus.

7. I shall not be discouraged, whether my enemies like it or not, in the name of Jesus.


Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)

Monday, April 26, 2021



The Topic of Mountain Top Life Daily Devotional for 27th April 2021 Is ”HOW TO BE YOUR BROTHER’S KEEPER (II)”  

BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Chro. 7, 1 Chro. 8, 1 Chro. 9, 1 Chro. 10


MEMORY VERSE: Prov. 17:25

 “A foolish son is a grief to his father, and bitterness to her that bare him.”

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE: When your brother falls, pick him up without hesitation.

PROPHETIC WORD FOR TODAY: The spirit of Cain will not enter into your life, in the name of Jesus.


“Where is your brother, Abel?” God probingly asked. Cain answered “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” It was a haunting question from God. God asked again, “What have you done? Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.”

The story of Cain and Abel are often considered as the first story on how it is important to be our brother’s keeper. God wants us to take care of our siblings. In the case of Cain and Abel, it is only the two of them, yet the world doesn’t seem to be big enough for them to live together peacefully.

Being your brother’s keeper is taking care of your siblings, extended family members and others that are related to you by faith. You must be interested in their affairs. Help them in their studies, help them to make choices in their education, career, chores and their future. Most importantly, help them to learn more about God.

Being our brother’s keeper is the privilege that comes from the law of love and the Lord of love. It is the responsibility that emerges from gratitude to the Saviour who held nothing back in loving the world. Parents need to know that this is about forgiveness, redemption and sacrifice.

In most families, there are rivalries and conflicts. You may grow up in the same household and become enemies. There are many reasons why we should become our brother’s keeper. As a believer, you must share genuine love and respect. Your siblings may not deserve your generosity, they still need your help.

Give a helping hand. We read about the story of the prodigal son. He wasn’t guided by his father nor brother. There was a vacuum in his life. His brother did not extend the hand of love to him, even after he left home.

Many have gone astray like that. Beloved, be your brother’s keeper.



1. Every seed of hatred in my life die, in the name of Jesus.

2. Every seed of unforgiveness in my life, die, in the name of Jesus.

3. O Lord, help me to rewrite the history of my family, in the name of Jesus.


4. Every weapon of backwardness in my family line, back fire, in the name of Jesus.

5. I shall be a blessing to my generation, in the name of Jesus.

6. I shall not be a misfired arrow in the hand of my creator, in the name of Jesus.

7. O Lord, help me to be a better person, in the name of Jesus.


Mountain Top Life Is a Daily Devotional by Dr. D.K Olukoya (general Overseer, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries, Worldwide)